What is the definition of love? It’s a question that seems all too simplistic until actually addressed with the intent of creating an explanation. Most commonly love is connected with relationships, and in those scenarios it is often confused with lust, infatuation, and a simple middle school crush. How do we set it straight? How do we love someone without having it be confused with those things?
It is quite simple really: our actions show our love. To put it in a blunt way, our actions define love. If we act as a certain way, condemning those who do wrong, how much better are we from that person? Our response is so simple that it is one of the most basic of human skills. We need to react with love.
A very easy way to do this is to avoid judgment, and to build people up instead! Show them love, embrace them as a person or aid them where they need help, and of course, forgive!
We should be helping people through hard times with our love. So the challenge is quite simple: be more than just a light in this world, instead, BE love to the world.